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“A Similar Inversion of History”

One reason to be concerned about media bias: news services skewing coverage of Israel are just as capable of botching coverage of other places in the world. Like Tibet, as Ira Rifkin points out: It…

Reading time: < 1 minutes

One reason to be concerned about media bias: news services skewing coverage of Israel are just as capable of botching coverage of other places in the world. Like Tibet, as Ira Rifkin points out:

It took Jews almost two millennia to re-establish an independent state in their homeland. During that time, later-arriving Arabs settled in the land and claimed it as their own. Despite Judaism’s numerous ritual reminders of Zion’s centrality, Jewish historical ties to the land were conveniently forgotten by most of the world, which came to view modern Jews as having no connection to the ancient Israelites who once populated the same land. As a result, returning Jews were regarded as colonialist interlopers and Arabs were seen as indigenous innocents suffering at the hands of Jewish pretenders.

Tibetans now face a similar inversion of history.

Related reading: “Non-Events as Far As TV News is Concerned”

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