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Farewell and Good Luck, Talia

HonestReporting sadly said goodbye to our social media manager Talia Felix this week. Talia will be missed for her flair with Facebook and Twitter posts, and her initiative opening new channels for promoting HonestReporting’s media…

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HonestReporting sadly said goodbye to our social media manager Talia Felix this week. Talia will be missed for her flair with Facebook and Twitter posts, and her initiative opening new channels for promoting HonestReporting’s media alerts, petitions, and educational materials.

Talia’s departure, however, is a good opportunity to revisit HR’s social media channels, which have grown substantially during Talia’s year managing them.

HR’s Facebook page has reached 41,000 members, with a reach of over 100,000 people every week. Among the highlights, Talia posted HR’s video, The Monster in the Middle East, which was viewed 220,000 times and reached 782,000 people. It received 11,000 likes, more than 4,500 shares, and more than 2,000 comments.

Talia also provided the English translation for a Channel 2 expose of BDS activity on American college campuses. The video turned out to be HR’s second most popular piece of content in the past year, drawing 94,000 views and reaching 278,000 people.

Talia’s impact on Twitter may have been even bigger. HR’s following grew to well over 15,000. More importantly, Talia succeeded in engaging numerous influential tweeters, including comedienne Rosanne Barr, spreading HR’s message far and wide through Twitter-land.

Talia also opened HR’s Instagram account, helping HonestReporting share our oustanding graphics and connecting with others on a more visual level.

With virtually all Internet users having some presence on social media today, the importance of the social media manager position grows every day. We want to thank Talia for taking our social media presence to new levels, and for bringing a much-needed sensibility to our office.

Talia, good luck with your future endeavors and stay connected. We’re sure you’ll always know where to find us.

And thank you for all your hard work.

The staff of HonestReporting

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