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Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS)
Simon Plosker

The New York Times Misrepresents BDS

The New York Times cannot acknowledge that being an active member of the BDS movement is hatred of Israel as opposed to legitimate criticism of Israeli government policies.

Down Under
Zahava Raymond

Character Assassination: Israel Is Not North Korea

Paul McGeogh is so focused on searching for similarities between Israel and North Korea, he neglects the most basic facts and glaring differences that would make any sort of comparison totally void.

Down Under
Zahava Raymond

The ABC Of Distorting History

An ABC guide to the two-state solution aims to clear up any confusion on the issue for its readers. Instead it leads its readers to adopt the Palestinians’ favored and distorted version of history and the conflict, leading to only more confusion.

Daniel Pomerantz

Op-Ed: Jews Aren’t Jews, but Palestinians are Philistines

Whatever future Israelis and Palestinians eventually build must be based upon a mutual respect for each side’s connection to the land. In order for such understanding to have any value, it must be based on reality, and not on fantasy or ignorance.

Down Under
Simon Plosker

A Journalist’s Blind Hatred of Israel

Fairfax Media’s chief political correspondent Mark Kenny unleashes a hate-filled attack on Israel in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Australia Israel
Down Under
Simon Plosker

Australian Ambassador Attacked For Doing His Job

Australian media outlet Crikey’s political editor Bernard Keane attacks Australian Ambassador Dave Sharma and The Israel Project, falsely claiming that they work to promote Israeli settlements.

Simon Plosker

‘Busloads of Ukrainian Settlers’?

Writing in The Guardian, Sarah Helm fails to disclose the background of a Palestinian “cartographer” and falsely claims that busloads of Ukrainian immigrants are being whisked to West Bank settlements.

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