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Responding to Amnesty

Amnesty International's latest report accusing Israel of war crimes and calling for an arms embargo received extensive media coverage this week, especially in the UK. Israel responded with a media blitz of its own. First…

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Amnesty International's latest report accusing Israel of war crimes and calling for an arms embargo received extensive media coverage this week, especially in the UK.
Israel responded with a media blitz of its own.

First the Foreign Ministry released an official statement rejecting Amnesty's conclusions, reminding the organization that Hamas is a terror group and should be treated as one. Then, Israeli public official Uri Dromi entered the lion's den – defending Israel's actions in the Guardian's Comment is Free section.
Dromi notes that Amnesty's main claims – that Israel used white phosphorus and flechette shells – do not constitute violations of international law. He also notes the lengths Israel went to keep Palestinian civilians safe.

Go explain to Amnesty, or to the world media, that Israel, in trying to hit Hamas operatives only, took extraordinary steps not to harm civilians. Millions of leaflets were scattered over Gaza, warning the locals to evacuate certain areas before they were attacked. Phone calls were made to specific residents to leave their homes, because Hamas terrorists operated from there and thus turned them into military targets (yes, read again: you call your enemy and you implore him to leave the area so he is not hurt). Last but not least, after exhausting all those warning measures, the IDF fired close to such homes and gave the residents enough time to leave them safely, before the houses were hit.

Dromi also points out that Israel has launched its own investigations into all of the accusations leveled against the IDF. Not surprisingly, Amnesty made sure to get its own report out before the official version is released.

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