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News Critiques

Media Coverage of Hamas

Most major media responsible in reporting victory of Hamas

News Critiques

Offensive Cartoons

Media Apologize For Offending Muslims While Ignoring Anti-Semitic Cartoons

Christmas In Bethlehem

Media exaggerate Bethlehem's demise and under-report anti-Christian violence by Palestinians

New Statesman Demolishes the Truth

Legitimate Israeli actions against illegal structures falsely compared with acts of 'genocide' and 'ethnic cleansing'

Nazism in the News

A call for transparency at GoogleNews, which syndicates neo-Nazi sites as legitimate journalism.

C-SPAN’s Shaky Balance

The cable network insists on granting air time to a notorious Holocaust denier.

Ending the Incitement

A key obstacle to progress – and root of terror – that the western media has chosen to ignore.

Palestinian ‘Art’ Exhibit

A New York public facility hosts a fundraiser for an art exhibit that vilifies Israelis and extols suicide bombers.

The Sheikh’s Press Pass

AP and BBC's glowing coverage of a Saudi preacher omits his well-documented jihadist views.

News Critiques

Tunnel Vision in Gaza

Palestinians attempt to kidnap a NY Times reporter; also, one-dimensional reporting of the Rafah operation.

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