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blood libel

News Critiques

Israelis "Playing Mini-Mengele"

British MP George Galloway recycles the Swedish blood libel to employ Holocaust analogy.

Dishonest Reporter Awards

Dishonest Reporter Award 2009

Our annual recognition of the most skewed and biased coverage of the Mideast conflict.

News Critiques

HRW: Too Little Too Late

Human Rights Watch finally issues a report on Hamas rocket attacks.

News Critiques

Israel Finally Refutes Al-Dura

As a Paris court awaits a screening of the al-Dura footage, Israel for the first time officially denies responsibility for the alleged death.

News Critiques

Offensive Cartoons

Media Apologize For Offending Muslims While Ignoring Anti-Semitic Cartoons

Ending the Incitement

A key obstacle to progress – and root of terror – that the western media has chosen to ignore.

Palestinian ‘Art’ Exhibit

A New York public facility hosts a fundraiser for an art exhibit that vilifies Israelis and extols suicide bombers.

Blood Libel Strikes Back

Not only in the Arab press, but the blood libel finds expression in the Western media, too.

Hockstader and the Blood Libel

The Washington Post employs selective omission of facts, and hints at a grotesque anti-Semitic canard.

Eyeless in Gaza

When Harper's publishes vile anti-Israel filth, the PR community calls upon HonestReporting to respond.

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