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News Critiques

French Injustice

The French Al-Dura court case ends in defeat for Philippe Karsenty.

News Critiques

When Cameramen Attack

A Reuters cameraman takes part in rock-throwing attacks against Israeli security forces.

News Critiques

Immoral Nuclear Relativism

North Korea's nuclear test prompts false comparisons with Israel's own nuclear capabilities.

News Critiques

Bold Distortions and Outright Lies

A Reuters photo turns out to be an outright lie, manipulated to make damage in Beirut appear much worse than reality.

Clearing the Summer Rains

HonestReporting challenges some of the misconceptions surrounding Israel's Gaza operation.

News Critiques

Distorted Imagery

HonestReporting takes a look at some of the images published on the Gaza situation.

News Critiques

FIFA and AP Show Bias

The AP should point out FIFA's bias, not simply reinforce it.

News Critiques

Offensive Cartoons

Media Apologize For Offending Muslims While Ignoring Anti-Semitic Cartoons

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