
With your support we continue to ensure media accuracy


Humanizing Israeli Victims

The media shifts to a more sympathetic portrayal of Israeli society, particularly humanizing Israeli victims of terror.

Bali Bombing

One media org blames Israel for everything from the DC sniper to the Bali bombings.

In-Depth Study Of BBC

A London lawyer publishes an exhaustive, groundbreaking analysis of seven weeks of BBC News.

Hammer Misses the Point

A Newsweek Report is filled with selective omissions and distortion of facts.

The Washington Post Bias Duo

Daniel Williams and Lee Hockstader appear to be competing for the title of M.B.R – Most Biased Reporter.

Arafat’s Last Defenders

Despite all evidence to the contrary, some media outlets still hail Arafat as the prince of peace.

BBC Misses the Boat

Israel strikes back at terrorists, and BBC portrays them as innocent bystanders.

Reuters’ Overshadowing Bias

When Palestinian gunmen machine-gun Jewish shoppers in Afula, Reuters lumps the attackers' deaths together with the victims.

Focus On Terror

Palestinians exhibit a grisly re-enactment of the Sbarro suicide bombing, and the Sacramento Bee attacks Israel's anti-terror stance.

Celebrating Your Success

HonestReporting member are working hard, contacting editors in protest of anti-Israel bias. These efforts frequently pay off!

BBC’s Double Standard

When HonestReporting questioned the use of the terms "terrorists" and "militants," the BBC admitted to applying an arbitrary double-standard.

Who is a Terrorist?

When a Western target is hit, it's the work of "terrorists." When an Israeli target is hit, it's the work of "militants." Why?

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