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Synagogue Desecrations

Media outlets rationalize the burning of sacred Jewish sites in Gaza

Diversion Tactic

As Washington targets terror and dictatorship, Syria and Jordan target Israel. Will the media buy it?

The Bias of Texas is Upon You

A journalism professor presents so-called fundamental facts that are little more than unfounded propaganda spin.

Fessing Up To Media Bias

Marvin Kalb and other senior journalists express strong criticism of their colleagues.

Jensen’s Encyclopedia of Bias

Holger Jensen of the Rocky Mountain News writes so many classic distortions that he forms a virtual "Encyclopedia of Bias."

Palestinian Warlord Manifesto

The PA master of terror gets op-ed space in the Washington Post, and a whitewash on MSNBC.com.

Media Six-Pack

Robert Fisk is nearly beaten to death, plus 5 more snippets from a busy week of political and military activity.

Rocky Mountain Lie

A reporter in Denver has earned his placed as one of the most rabidly anti-Israel journalists at work today. It's time to let him know how we feel.

Red Alert
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