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Readers’ Roundup

HonestReporting members contribute bias examples from Reuters, AP, CBC and more.

Time’s Photo Flop

A year-end wrap-up contains 7 Mideast photos, 6 of them anti-Israel.

BBC Gets Caught Again

An HonestReporting member catches BBC altering the quoted words of the White House press secretary.

The Inconvenience of Terror

A rash of articles criticize roadblocks and school closings — in Israel, but not in DC.

UN Report on Jenin

The media tries to mop up its horrific coverage of Jenin. Some newspapers succeed.

Skewing the Death Tolls

A statistical study reveals startling trends by breaking the death tolls down by age, gender, and other factors.

The Guardian Questions Itself

When Palestinian terrorists are exiled to Cyprus and Gaza, media outlets publish sympathetic reports.

The Transference Syndrome

Some columnists transfer antipathy toward Israel in the form of more politically correct anti-Sharon sentiments.

From the Post to the Coast

The Washington Post presents suicide bombing as a legitimate tactic. Plus updates on Jenin and the Church of Nativity.

Atrocities of the British Press

The method of the IDF operation in Jenin helped reduce civilian casualties. The UK media parrots Palestinian claims it was a massacre.

Spouting Off

Some small papers join in the slander against Israel — including an accusation of discrimination against Christians.

CNN Finally Gets the Message

A double-success for HonestReporting members: CNN stops referring to Gilo as a settlement, and a veteran Israel-basher gives credit to HonestReporting.com.

Pre-Empting Terror is Legal

Military experts generally concur that Israel's policy of attacking terrorist leaders is a legal, valid form of preventive security.

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