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Quick Alerts: Dec. 9

Double standard at The Independent, the PLO vs. HonestReporting, and Neil MacDonald at it again.


Continued media use of the terms "tit-for-tat" and "cycle of violence" contradicts the actual nature of the conflict.

All Wet in Toronto

A Toronto Sun column replete with inaccuracies claims the road map is only good for Israel; also, AP misrepresents Camp David.

Abu Mazen: Coup For Peace?

Arafat still runs the show from the top-down, and, no less importantly, from the bottom up.

Arafat’s Prime Minister

Arafat keeps his grip on the reigns of power, and appoints a Holocaust-denier to handle daily affairs.

Day of Terror

Searching for clues in two attacks against Israeli targets in Kenya, and a Palestinian shooting spree in Beit Shan.

PLO-visional State

Is now the time to launch a Palestinian state? Media voices think not.

NBC’s Collection of Mistakes

NBC includes Jordanian Queen Rania as a Palestinian refugee. She was born and raised in Kuwait, and expelled from Kuwait in 1991.

The Transference Syndrome

Some columnists transfer antipathy toward Israel in the form of more politically correct anti-Sharon sentiments.

Siegman’s Fat Chance

The Saudis revive an old peace plan, and suddenly the New York Times takes notice.

The Atlantic Monthly

Exposing the intentional crash of EgyptAir flight 990, and a view of modern Israel where ordinary life defeats terrorism.

Moral Absurdity Downunder

"60 Minutes" in Australia gets into the anti-Israel act — justifying suicide bombers and denying Israel's right to self-defense.

Fisk Gets Frisky

HonestReporting gets the attention of columnist Robert Fisk. We haven't succeeded in ceasing his bias, however.

The Guardian is Getting "Boering"

Arab media watch groups list the Guardian (UK) as consistently pro-Arab. But in comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa, even the Guardian has outdone itself.

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