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Time Magazine

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

Gay Rights Offends Time Magazine’s Image of Israel

An Israel that promotes progressive policies, in this case, gay-friendly ones, does not fit with the image of Israel that Time would prefer to you believe. And if such a positive image is the reality then better to attribute them to something far more sinister such as covering up for Israeli “crimes”.

News Critiques
Alex Margolin

HR Comment: How Moral Equivalence Erodes Accurate Reporting

When the media fails to make a distinction between Hamas’s aggression and Israel’s defense, it leaves out the essential element of the story that allows people to make sense of what’s happening.

News Critiques
Pesach Benson

Prime Minister’s Office Calls Time Out

Ron Dermer, Senior Adviser to PM Netanyahu, has written an impressive letter to Time in response to the magazine’s latest biased article against Israel.

News Critiques

The Gaza War in Review

A look back at some of the worst cases of anti-Israel media bias.

News Critiques

Missing the Big Picture

The media fails to present the full story from the Mideast.

News Critiques

Bold Distortions and Outright Lies

A Reuters photo turns out to be an outright lie, manipulated to make damage in Beirut appear much worse than reality.

News Critiques

Distorted Imagery

HonestReporting takes a look at some of the images published on the Gaza situation.

Tale of Two Checkpoints

A comparison of media reports from Iraq and Israel on civilian deaths at checkpoints.

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