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Activity Reports

Activity Reports
HonestReporting Staff

2021 First Quarter Activities Report

We believe that news organizations must cover Israel objectively. Given the media’s ability to shape

Activity Reports
Charles Bybelezer

2020 Annual Report

The HonestReporting 2020 Annual Report (PDF format, 22 pages) contains underlined hyperlinks; clicking them from the PDF

Activity Reports
Charles Bybelezer

2020 Third Quarter Activities Report

Request Q3 Report We believe that news organizations must cover Israel objectively. Given the media’s

Activity Reports
Simon Plosker

2019 Annual Report

The HonestReporting 2019 Annual Report (PDF format, 18 pages) contains underlined hyperlinks; clicking them from

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By clicking the submit button, I grant permission for changes to and editing of the text, links or other information I have provided. I recognize that I have no copyright claims related to the information I have provided.