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Yarden Frankl

Audio: The Violence is Not Random

The New York Times ALMOST got it right in a story about Palestinian terrorism when they said that Palestinian leaders “seemed” to fan the violence and even celebrate the killers. But the PA does not just “seem” to be engaging in incitement — they outright glorify terrorism and promote terrorists as heroes.

Yarden Frankl

Radio: Cecil the Lion and Saeb Erekat

Yarden discusses the attacks on participants in the Jerusalem Pride and Tolerance March and an Arab family. Are these the acts of a select few or the product of a “culture of hate?”

Yarden Frankl

The Jewish Reporter Takes the Train

A BBC reporter cited his Jewish credentials when presenting a slanted documentary on the Jerusalem light rail, claiming it is a racist train that divides the city.

Yarden Frankl

What Part of “Death to Israel” Is Confusing?

On Voice of Israel, Yarden Frankl takes on the BBC’s assertion that Iran no longer threatens Israel and asks why the New York Times is acting like a cheerleader for the Iran deal.

Yarden Frankl

NYT or CNN: Which is Worse?

The New York Times headlines the story about a Palestinian terrorist killed by Israeli soldiers he attacked in such a way as to indicate he was killed for no reason, and runs an accompanying photo of his weeping family

Yarden Frankl

Green Lines, Jewish Hands, Terror Tunnels

HR’s Yarden Frankl on Voice of Israel. Today: Newsweek’s Green Line reversal, how you can help our BBC complaint, and what’s going on underground in Lebanon.

Yarden Frankl

An Inciting Angel and Missing Trees

The New York Times doesn’t believe that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas incites to violence, saying Israel only “claims” he does; and what happened to all those olive trees that CNN says were chopped down and “seized” by Israeli settlers?

Yarden Frankl

Rude Tweets and Misleading Headlines

Which is worse: The snarky anti-Israel comments by the head of a human rights organization or the misleading headlines of the New York Times? HonestReporting on Voice of Israel

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