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BackSpin Editor

BackSpin Editor

BackSpin Editor

Wholesale denial of the truth

Quote of the day, courtesy Melanie Philips… all the more appropriate given yesterday’s events in

Tom Gross on London coverage

In the Jerusalem Post today, Tom Gross reviews the British press’ T-word switcheroo, AP’s feeding

L’Affaire Morin rages

Despite a court ruling ordering it to do so, Le Monde has not issued a

BBC strips the T-word

It seems BBC editors began describing Thursday’s attacks as ‘terrorist’, but then changed their mind.

Terror in London

As of this posting, two people are reported killed and scores injured in a series

Media Dismantles PA Commitments

The latest HonestReporting communique has just been published: ‘Media Dismantles PA Commitments’ To receive HR

Skipped a decade?

From an AFP report today: Relations between Damascus and Arafat varied over the decades from

Banking on ‘martyrs kits’

The NY Post details how Palestinian terror groups arranged financial support for the families of

A Zionist media trap

Iran blames the Jooz for the p.r. woes of the country’s new president. Rejecting allegations

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