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Simon Plosker

Simon Plosker

Simon Plosker

With over two decades of experience in various non-governmental organizations in the UK and Israel, Simon Plosker returned to HonestReporting in October 2022 as Editorial Director having previously been part of the organization’s management team from 2005 to 2020. Prior to his first spell at HonestReporting, Simon worked in Israel for NGO Monitor, BICOM, and served for a short period in the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. He was Managing Editor of the Geneva-based NGO United Nations Watch for two years before moving back to the frontline defending Israel from media bias. Simon has a BSoc.Sc in International Studies and Political Science from the University of Birmingham and an MSc in History of International Relations from the London School of Economics. He immigrated to Israel in 2001 from London.
News Critiques
Simon Plosker

MK Shills For Anti-Semite in Guardian

The Guardian has given a platform for Israeli-Arab MK Haneen Zoabi to act as an apologist for a virulent anti-Semitic extremist.

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

SUCCESS: BBC Brought to Heel

Thanks to you – our subscribers – taking action, the BBC has apologized for publishing the false dog story.

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

An Open Letter to the Israeli Press

Dear Editors – Please recognize that you have a global audience. Think about the impact that your stories will have not only on a domestic readership but also beyond Israel.

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

GPO Warns Flotilla Journalists

The Israeli Government Press Office warns journalists of the consequences of participating in the flotilla.

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

AFP Goes to the Dogs

What does this dog on the Israeli-Gaza border have to do with a false story of dog sentenced to death by a Jewish rabbinical court?

Absolutely nothing – unless you are AFP.

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

HR Comment: Media Crossing the Line

Journalists on board Gaza-bound flotilla will be active participants in an illegal act says HR Managing Editor Simon Plosker in an opinion piece for YNet News.

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

Sky’s Strange Moral Confusion

It’s difficult to know what to make of Dominic Waghorn, Sky News’ Middle East correspondent.

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

BBC’s Dogged Denial

When will the BBC be big enough to admit when it has committed an error instead of wriggling out of an outright retraction?

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

False Photo Incites on Facebook

Our Shattered Lens series examined how the wire services misused photo imagery to distort coverage

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

Leaked: Assad Regime Tied to Israel Border Riots

A leaked document details how the Syrian authorities actively helped to create border confrontations as a way to distract attention from the Assad regime’s own murderous behavior.

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

BBC’s Warped Priorities

The Middle East is full of important news stories at this particular moment. Thousands of

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