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Yarden Frankl

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Yarden Frankl

Yarden Frankl

Where Terrorism is Not News

Last night, as I was driving home, I heard the news that a runner on the trail, near my home, had been stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist who then sprinted off into the hills in the direction of a local Arab village.

News Critiques
Yarden Frankl

Double Standards?

There are two legal frameworks in the territories because that’s what international law demands.

Yarden Frankl

The Misplaced Focus of The Guardian and New York Times

As of this writing, it has been several hours since Shlomit Krigman, a 24 year old Israeli woman, was murdered by Palestinian terrorists. The headlines in the Guardian and New York Times remain unchanged.

Yarden Frankl

The New York Times Drops the Knife

Whomever was in charge of the headline should have made clear that the Palestinian girl not only HAD a knife, but she was killed while attempting to USE the knife

Yarden Frankl

Fading Truth on the New York Times Editorial Page

The Fading Two State Solution is a New York Times editorial that makes the observation that “even truth telling can ignite a firestorm.” Quite a claim considering the lack of truth-telling in the editorial itself.

Yarden Frankl

New York Times Admits to Leaving Out Context

The hatred of Israel by the people interviewed should have been included so it would be clear their liberal views end in terms of peace with Israel.

Recent Features
Yarden Frankl

Video: Headlines Ignore Palestinian Terrorism

It’s not so hard to write a headline like “Palestinian Terrorists Kill Israelis.” Yet for some reason, so many headlines blur the lines between attackers and victims when it comes to Israel.

Yarden Frankl

When Breaking News is Broken

Two Israelis were killed by Palestinian terrorists at the entrance to Jerusalem’s Old City. This fact should not be difficult to sum up in a headline.

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