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Yarden Frankl

Picture of Yarden Frankl

Yarden Frankl

Yarden Frankl

What Part of “Death to Israel” Is Confusing?

On Voice of Israel, Yarden Frankl takes on the BBC’s assertion that Iran no longer threatens Israel and asks why the New York Times is acting like a cheerleader for the Iran deal.

Yarden Frankl

Sign our letter to CNN

The claim that this is the “last chance” for people to Jerusalem’s Old City is nonsense. Please sign our letter to CNN demanding accurate reporting.

Yarden Frankl

NYT or CNN: Which is Worse?

The New York Times headlines the story about a Palestinian terrorist killed by Israeli soldiers he attacked in such a way as to indicate he was killed for no reason, and runs an accompanying photo of his weeping family

Yarden Frankl

Tears Before Terror

Why did the New York Times choose to run a picture of a weeping family rather than the terrorist who was killed?

Yarden Frankl

Sign our Letter to the NY Times

When the NY Times implied that the UNHRC treated all countries equally, we showed how they were factually incorrect. Please take a moment to sign our letter to the Times’ Public Editor

Yarden Frankl

Video: Is the UN Human Rights Council Obsessed with Israel?

The New York Times makes an editorial comment stuck in the middle of an article that undermines the Israeli Prime Minister’s claim that the United Nations Human Rights Council is “obsessed” with Israel. But the facts are on the Prime Minister’s side and the comment is harmful and misleading.

Yarden Frankl

CNN’s Blockade Against Accuracy

A CNN video report about the recent attempt to circumvent the Gaza naval blockade contains a shocking inaccuracy.

Yarden Frankl

The NYT Balances the UN Human Rights Council

The New York Times dismissed the Prime Minister’s claim that the United Nations Human Rights Council is obsessed with Israel. But the facts show otherwise.

Yarden Frankl

Bad Headline, Worse Picture

It’s tough to decide which is more misleading: The AFP headline or the picture under it.

Yarden Frankl

“Modern and Hip”

Journalist expresses surprise that “modern and hip” minister has a differing opinion on the peace process.

Yarden Frankl

Green Lines, Jewish Hands, Terror Tunnels

HR’s Yarden Frankl on Voice of Israel. Today: Newsweek’s Green Line reversal, how you can help our BBC complaint, and what’s going on underground in Lebanon.

Yarden Frankl

An Inciting Angel and Missing Trees

The New York Times doesn’t believe that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas incites to violence, saying Israel only “claims” he does; and what happened to all those olive trees that CNN says were chopped down and “seized” by Israeli settlers?

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