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Governance & Finance

1. 2022 IRS 990 Tax Return  (downloadable PDF)

2. 2022 Audited Financial Statements (downloadable PDF)

3. US Board Members

Robert Blum, President
Max Blankfeld, Secretary
David Barish, Treasurer
Salo Aizenberg
Martha Barvin
Sarah Biser
Morris Mintz
Aaron Spool

4. Israel Amuta Members

Paul Gross, Chair*
Jacki Alexander*
Ilene Nechamkin*

Bentzi Binder
Jonathan Davis
Sheara Einhorn
Amb. (ret.) Yoram Ettinger
Jerry Glazer
Reuven Harow
Gil Hoffman
Gershon Lewis
Simon Plosker

* member of the Amuta Board

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