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Search Results for: ny times – Page 288

Newsweek’s Hammer-Blow

Newsweek's Jerusalem bureau chief Joshua Hammer seems to be bending over backward to whitewash Palestinian violence and intimidation.

Fisk Gets Frisky

HonestReporting gets the attention of columnist Robert Fisk. We haven't succeeded in ceasing his bias, however.

Celebrating Your Success

HonestReporting member are working hard, contacting editors in protest of anti-Israel bias. These efforts frequently pay off!

Misrepresenting the Mitchell Report

While an investigative committee makes cessation of violence the first step, Palestinians — and editors — link it to a freeze on settlements.

The Guardian is Getting "Boering"

Arab media watch groups list the Guardian (UK) as consistently pro-Arab. But in comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa, even the Guardian has outdone itself.

Nakba: Journalistic Catastrophe

Palestinians commemorate a 1948 catastrophe. From reading the news, you'd never know it was self-inflicted.

The Propaganda Barrage

Bad coverage of murdered Israeli children, the Pope's visit to Syria, and a boatload of weapons off the coast of Gaza.

Death of a Baby

It was a tragic casualty of war. But using it as an anti-Israel diatribe is gratuitous exploitation, and a gross lack of context.

Robert Fisk’s Orwellian Newspeak

For more than two decades, journalist Robert Fisk has used his correspondent card to proudly become a crusader for Arab and Palestinian causes.

Return of the USS Liberty

The new book, 'Body of Secrets' contains a number of unfounded and far-fetched accusations against Israel. HonestReporting attempts to put the accusations to rest.

Award to The New Republic

Martin Peretz, editor-in-chief and chairman of The New Republic, has consistently stood by Israel's side, exposing the Arab rhetoric commonly parroted in the Western media.

Blockade of Terror

In a classic case of imbalanced reporting, media reports pour in about the blockade of Palestinian towns — but nothing about the blockade imposed on Israelis.

Publisher Conrad Black

The CEO of Hollinger International, publishers of The Spectator (London) and The Jerusalem Post, lashes out against "rabidly anti-Israel" journalists and governments.

If You Shoot Them, Do They Not Bleed?

The New York Times singles out Israeli settlers as a separate class of people. By doing so, it strengthens the hand of Palestinians perpetrating attacks.

BBC’s Double Standard

When HonestReporting questioned the use of the terms "terrorists" and "militants," the BBC admitted to applying an arbitrary double-standard.

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