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Truth versus Terror

With suicide attacks plaguing Israel, it is more important than ever that the media get its facts straight.

Reuters’ Overshadowing Bias

When Palestinian gunmen machine-gun Jewish shoppers in Afula, Reuters lumps the attackers' deaths together with the victims.

Teen Settler

As Jews are gunned down in the streets of Jerusalem, Associated Press labels them

Eyeless in Gaza

When Harper's publishes vile anti-Israel filth, the PR community calls upon HonestReporting to respond.

Do As We Say, Not As We Do

Israel pursues the assassins of its tourism minister. Thomas Friedman finds that provocative.

Jumping the Gun in Bethlehem

As fighting escalated in and around the West Bank this week, several reporters were quick to blame Israeli troops for shooting up churches in Bethlehem. HonestReporting's review of reports and photos from Bethlehem suggests that these reporters 'jumped the gun.'

Same Old Tune

The battle continues between reporters who

Boston Globe’s Jeff Jacoby

Jacoby exposes the long Arab record of broken agreements, and international hypocrisy of criticizing Israel's stance at a time of unparalleled restraint.

Scapegoating Israel

As terror hits the United States, several reporters are quick to blame Israel.

Terrorist Tragedy

Terror hits the shores of America, and Palestinians celebrate. A full digest of the media coverage.

CNN Finally Gets the Message

A double-success for HonestReporting members: CNN stops referring to Gilo as a settlement, and a veteran Israel-basher gives credit to HonestReporting.com.

Debunking Durban

Even traditionally anti-Israel publications joined in the near-universal condemnation of the UN Conference on Racism.

Stepping Out of the Ring

A Jewish reporter who lives in Ramallah states her case in The New York Times. As expected, the result is not pretty.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Teams of supposed American peacemakers spend the summer living amongst Palestinians, and then file op-ed reports on the oppressive Israelis.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The week was full of important events in the Middle East, and in a change from the norm, HonestReporting presents a digest of various media reports. All these articles are important in their own right; we encourage you to take the time to read this communique carefully.

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