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Search Results for: INDEPENDENT – Page 97

The BBC Report

A London lawyer presents a comprehensive analysis of BBC's Mideast coverage. The results indicate an ongoing pattern of anti-Israel bias.

Atrocities of the British Press

The method of the IDF operation in Jenin helped reduce civilian casualties. The UK media parrots Palestinian claims it was a massacre.

Spin at The Times

Between Arafat's op-ed, and Sontag's portrayal of Hamas as Mr. Rogers, it would have been enough.

Media Six-Pack

Robert Fisk is nearly beaten to death, plus 5 more snippets from a busy week of political and military activity.

Danger of Militant Islam

Is Bin Laden motivated by radical Islamic teachings? Some fifth columnists say

Terrorist Tragedy

Terror hits the shores of America, and Palestinians celebrate. A full digest of the media coverage.

CNN Finally Gets the Message

A double-success for HonestReporting members: CNN stops referring to Gilo as a settlement, and a veteran Israel-basher gives credit to HonestReporting.com.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The week was full of important events in the Middle East, and in a change from the norm, HonestReporting presents a digest of various media reports. All these articles are important in their own right; we encourage you to take the time to read this communique carefully.

Fisk Gets Frisky

HonestReporting gets the attention of columnist Robert Fisk. We haven't succeeded in ceasing his bias, however.

Nakba: Journalistic Catastrophe

Palestinians commemorate a 1948 catastrophe. From reading the news, you'd never know it was self-inflicted.

Death of a Baby

It was a tragic casualty of war. But using it as an anti-Israel diatribe is gratuitous exploitation, and a gross lack of context.

Robert Fisk’s Orwellian Newspeak

For more than two decades, journalist Robert Fisk has used his correspondent card to proudly become a crusader for Arab and Palestinian causes.

Publisher Conrad Black

The CEO of Hollinger International, publishers of The Spectator (London) and The Jerusalem Post, lashes out against "rabidly anti-Israel" journalists and governments.

Economical Words, Blatant Bias

In a lengthy background piece on the Mideast crisis, the UK Economist somehow manages to avoid mentioning the Israeli point of view anywhere in the article.

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