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News Critiques
Pesach Benson

And I’m a Not Medical Writer . . .

Considering that the latest two-ship flotilla stunt is only carrying “symbolic aid” and that organizers

News Critiques
Pesach Benson

Rotten Headline of the Day

Ouch. Israel to bill Bedouins for razing their homes You have to read AFP’s article

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

The Age Recycles Staged Photo

Part of our Shattered Lens series on photo bias focused on how the wire services

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

Media Palispins a Poll

A poll reveals some disturbing findings questioning Palestinian attitudes to peace with Israel. But how did the media spin the results?

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

AFP Goes to the Dogs

What does this dog on the Israeli-Gaza border have to do with a false story of dog sentenced to death by a Jewish rabbinical court?

Absolutely nothing – unless you are AFP.

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

Leaked: Assad Regime Tied to Israel Border Riots

A leaked document details how the Syrian authorities actively helped to create border confrontations as a way to distract attention from the Assad regime’s own murderous behavior.

News Critiques
Pesach Benson

Near Lynch Is MSM Paydirt

Once again, Silwan stone throwers and Palestinian photographers ambushed an Israeli car. A lynch like

News Critiques

Israel "Ethnically Cleansing" Bedouin Arabs?

The demolition of an unrecognized Bedouin settlement in the Negev attracts some foreign media looking to fit the story into their own one-sided agenda.

News Critiques

Giving the Finger to Accuracy

What has a photo of an ultra-Orthodox demonstrator have to do with building policies in eastern Jerusalem?

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