
With your support we continue to ensure media accuracy


Swedish ‘Art’ Outrage

Reports on the Israeli ambassador's protest in a Stockholm museum downplay the exhibit's clear glorification of a suicide bomber.

BBC’s Selective Sensitivity

The BBC suspends a TV host for anti-Arab statements, further revealing its double standard vis-a-vis Israel.

A Nihilist on Anti-semitism

The LA Times grants op-ed space to a radical who would 'use anything, including lies, injustice and obfuscation' to promote his anti-Israel agenda.

Blaming Israel for Istanbul

A disturbing media trend blames Israeli policy for the Islamist war on Western civilization.

HonestReporting for Campus

As the problem of anti-Israel bias in campus newspapers grows, HonestReporting launches an affiliate, HonestReporting for Campus.

News Critiques

Prisoners: Fact vs. Fiction

London's The Guardian downplays the significance of Israel's prisoner release with unsubstantiated claims of mass arrests.

A Journalist’s Critique

A veteran Italian journalist issues a searing, detailed critique of her colleagues' biased Mideast coverage.

"V" for Victory

An inaccurate AP caption identifies a non-existent movement for peace on the Palestinian street.

Palestinian Bush-Wacking

Vicious anti-American material fills the Palestinian and Arab press, without due notice from Western media.

Skeletons in the British Closet

A popular British journalist and a Member of Parliament cozy up to Saddam's regime. Plus: UK homicide bombers.

London Broil

In context of the Iraqi war, The Times of London gives a forum for those calling to "Kill Jews."

Wacky Iraqi Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy theorists are popping up across media and political circles: America's showdown with Iraq is a Zionist-led plot.

Arafat’s Prime Minister

Arafat keeps his grip on the reigns of power, and appoints a Holocaust-denier to handle daily affairs.

Reuters Ruins Rachel’s Tomb

Israel's plan to stop Palestinian violence is sensationalized by Reuters as "splitting Christ's birthplace"

News Critiques

Der Sturmer in the UK?

The Independent depicts Ariel Sharon as bolstering his re-election campaign by biting into the flesh of a Palestinian baby.

Pilger Pilfers the Truth

A British documentary is a veritable encyclopedia of every anti-Israel canard in existence today.

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