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Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australia Israel
Down Under
Simon Plosker

Antisemitism: Judas Slur on Jewish Voters

Judas’ betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver is classic antisemitism when used in the context of Australian Jewish voters in the Wentworth by-election.

Stephen Sizer
Down Under

An ABC Platform for a Well-Known Antisemitic Crank

What was ABC thinking when it invited the almost comically antisemitic Reverend Stephen Sizer onto its Radio National “Breakfast” program on Good Friday to discuss Christian Zionism and Israel?

Down Under
Zahava Raymond

The ABC Of Distorting History

An ABC guide to the two-state solution aims to clear up any confusion on the issue for its readers. Instead it leads its readers to adopt the Palestinians’ favored and distorted version of history and the conflict, leading to only more confusion.

News Critiques

Sderot: Still Under Fire

Sderot continues to suffer as a woman loses her life to a Qassam missile.

Down Under

Australian Media’s Moment of Truth

The Australian Broadcasting Corportation admits to Hamas terror, while the New York Times equates Israel and Hamas.

CNN’s Iraqi Cover-Up

CNN admits that knowledge of murder, torture, and planned assassinations were suppressed in order to maintain CNN's Baghdad bureau.

AP’s Snow Job

Not all bias is blatant. Here's one extra word from an Associated Press photo caption.

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