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News Critiques

The "Pragmatist" of Hamas

How moderate is the new Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority?

Booms Over Gaza

The BBC and Guardian claim that IDF "sonic booms" are responsible for Palestinian miscarriages in Gaza.

Synagogue Desecrations

Media outlets rationalize the burning of sacred Jewish sites in Gaza

Bad News From London

The Associated Press misrepresents Tony Blair on a highly sensitive Mideast policy matter; also, The Sun finds no Islamic terror in Israel.

Palestinian Insiders

AFP and AP employ reporters who also receive paychecks from the Palestinian Authority.

Quick Alerts: Dec. 9

Double standard at The Independent, the PLO vs. HonestReporting, and Neil MacDonald at it again.

Weeping for Yassir

Another BBC Mideast reporter displays open attachment to one side of the conflict

Understanding Palestinian Poverty

AFP blames Israel for Palestinians' deep financial crisis, but facts point to criminal PA mismanagement as the real culprit.

Media Ins and Outs

Selective reporting slants news coverage of key Mideast issues

Blame Arafat or Israel?

As Palestinians riot against Yassir Arafat, world media outlets respond.

BBC Radio Farce

BBC Radio's curious choice of 'experts' on Mideast media coverage and terminology

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