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Bethan McKernan

Simon Plosker

Weaponizing Myanmar to Bash Israel

As Myanmar’s military comes in for international criticism, The Independent singles out Israeli arms exports to the country based on an agenda-driven source.

Simon Plosker

HR Prompts Gaza Strip Crossing Correction

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres did not call on Israel to open the Rafah crossing into the Gaza Strip, which is administered solely by Egypt. HR gets the correction.

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

Demolition Job: Balance and Relevant Facts Go Missing

As Israel demolishes illegally built Palestinian structures in the West Bank, The Independent’s Bethan McKernan does her own demolition job in a series of one-side stories lacking in balance and omitting relevant facts.

Simon Plosker

Cherry Picking: Conscientiously Objectionable

An “exclusive” non-story in The Independent about an Israeli teenage girl jailed for refusing IDF military service is rehashed in the Daily Telegraph minus the nuances in the original.

Simon Plosker

Corrected: “Occupation Wall” Comes Down

HonestReporting prompts a correction from The Independent after Israel’s security barrier by Bethlehem is described as an “occupation wall.”

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