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Saluting Yassir

Arafat receives a glamorous send-off from the world media

News Critiques

Reuters Admits Appeasing Terrorists

Reuters' global managing editor acknowledges that Arab intimidation influences his agency's news coverage.

The Fatah-Al Aqsa Brigade

Media outlets continue to downplay the close ties between Arafat's Fatah party and a major terrorist group.

Striking Terror in Syria

Media outlets condemn the Israeli strike against a Syrian terror camp, promulgating two myths of Syria and the war on terrorism.

Spurious Statements

News outlets accept a disingenious Hamas statement as fact, thereby denying Hamas' ongoing terror.

Skeletons in the British Closet

A popular British journalist and a Member of Parliament cozy up to Saddam's regime. Plus: UK homicide bombers.

CNN’s Iraqi Cover-Up

CNN admits that knowledge of murder, torture, and planned assassinations were suppressed in order to maintain CNN's Baghdad bureau.

Access Through Selective Reporting

CNN admits that knowledge of murder, torture, and planned assassinations were suppressed in order to maintain CNN's Baghdad bureau.

Rachel Corrie, Continued

In the wake of a fatal bulldozer incident, irresponsible photo captions and disparate editorial cartoons.

AP’s Rockets and Victims

Associated Press employs Hassan Fattah and Ibrahim Barzak to report from Gaza. Israel comes out on the short end.

Pushing For Reforms

Israel tries to move the peace process forward by isolating the opposition to Palestinian reforms.

Covering Up For Fatah

Arafat's Fatah rejects the Gaza-first deal. But most major media blatantly omit this fact.

Media Rubble in Gaza

Israel wipes out a most-wanted terrorist, and regrets the loss of innocent life. But is the media reporting the whole story?

Terror in LA?

Reports indicate that the Los Angeles airport gunman met with representatives of Osama Bin Laden. So was this a terror attack?

When CNN is the Story

HonestReporting's efforts are recognized in articles by The New York Times and Jerusalem Post.

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