The AP’s Martyrs
The AP gives credibility to a mother who is proud of her terrorist sons
The AP gives credibility to a mother who is proud of her terrorist sons
Legitimate Israeli actions against illegal structures falsely compared with acts of 'genocide' and 'ethnic cleansing'
How the media remember Arafat one year after his death
Sloppy journalism leaves many questions unanswered in tragic death of child.
Associated Press reporter Sara El Deeb makes two dubious claims in one day.
Media 'oversight': A unreconstructed Hamas is ineligible for PA elections
Another prestigious award for a one-sided photojournalist
Media outlets rationalize the burning of sacred Jewish sites in Gaza
Three media distortions of Israel's historic 'disengagement' from Gaza
NBC misrepresents situation in Gaza.
Israel's Gaza withdrawal isn't the only recent story worthy of coverage
A personal experience, and response, to media distortion of Israel.
The latest case of media outlets disseminating a false claim of Israeli malevolence
False and misleading captions from The Times' online and print editions
Washington Post and AP invert the chronology of recent violence; also, Reuters cavorts with Jenin terrorist
An egregious fabrication from a Globe & Mail reporter recalls the larger distortion of Zionist land policy.
A foiled suicide bombing brings out three media myths on Palestinian terror
In coverage of a key Bush-Sharon meeting, media outlets manufacture a controversy that simply didn't exist.
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