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The Shriek of Araby

The Saudi government is running a deceptive PR blitz. Will the media buy into it?

Jenin Lies

As the UN pressures for an investigation, the media is filled with Palestinian contradictions and lies.

From the Post to the Coast

The Washington Post presents suicide bombing as a legitimate tactic. Plus updates on Jenin and the Church of Nativity.

Reuters’ Overshadowing Bias

When Palestinian gunmen machine-gun Jewish shoppers in Afula, Reuters lumps the attackers' deaths together with the victims.

Praising the Devil’s Disciples

Some reporters sympathize with the Palestinian side — even to the extent of justifying and glorifying heinous suicide bombings.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The week was full of important events in the Middle East, and in a change from the norm, HonestReporting presents a digest of various media reports. All these articles are important in their own right; we encourage you to take the time to read this communique carefully.

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