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Bystanders to Terror

The media's new term for Israeli terror victims — "bystanders" — masks the true, civilian target of Palestinian terror.

CNN’s Iraqi Cover-Up

CNN admits that knowledge of murder, torture, and planned assassinations were suppressed in order to maintain CNN's Baghdad bureau.

Access Through Selective Reporting

CNN admits that knowledge of murder, torture, and planned assassinations were suppressed in order to maintain CNN's Baghdad bureau.

AP’s Snow Job

Not all bias is blatant. Here's one extra word from an Associated Press photo caption.

Battle of the Bulge

The southern wall of the Temple Mount is in danger of collapse. Will Muslims use this as a pretense for new violence?

AP Spins Hebron

Associated Press says that Muslims of Hebron are

BBC Gets Caught Again

An HonestReporting member catches BBC altering the quoted words of the White House press secretary.

Arafat’s Non-Speech

Palestinian leaders leaves the door open for attacks against majority of Israelis.

The Bias of Texas is Upon You

A journalism professor presents so-called fundamental facts that are little more than unfounded propaganda spin.

News Critiques
HonestReporting Staff

Media Fails at Hebrew University

The media tries to justify the bombing of an Israeli cafeteria as some kind of tit-for-tat.

The BBC Report

A London lawyer presents a comprehensive analysis of BBC's Mideast coverage. The results indicate an ongoing pattern of anti-Israel bias.

Jensen’s Encyclopedia of Bias

Holger Jensen of the Rocky Mountain News writes so many classic distortions that he forms a virtual "Encyclopedia of Bias."

Authful Cartoon

A Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist deflects Arafat

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