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Deja Vu in Dallas

A Dallas Morning News writer presents outdated and misinformed myths.

Spin at The Times

Between Arafat's op-ed, and Sontag's portrayal of Hamas as Mr. Rogers, it would have been enough.

Palestinian Warlord Manifesto

The PA master of terror gets op-ed space in the Washington Post, and a whitewash on MSNBC.com.

Vile Hitler Comparison

The publisher of the most prestigious German weekly compares Ariel Sharon to Adolf Hitler.

Media Six-Pack

Robert Fisk is nearly beaten to death, plus 5 more snippets from a busy week of political and military activity.

Fawning Over Barghouti

The violent Tanzim leader is portrayed by Associated Press as a jovial family man.

The Atlantic Monthly

Exposing the intentional crash of EgyptAir flight 990, and a view of modern Israel where ordinary life defeats terrorism.

Teen Settler

As Jews are gunned down in the streets of Jerusalem, Associated Press labels them

Assassination of a Patriot

Is the Palestinian assassination of a democratically-elected tourism minister, at all the same as Israel targeting a terrorist mastermind?

Focus On Terror

Palestinians exhibit a grisly re-enactment of the Sbarro suicide bombing, and the Sacramento Bee attacks Israel's anti-terror stance.

CNN Finally Gets the Message

A double-success for HonestReporting members: CNN stops referring to Gilo as a settlement, and a veteran Israel-basher gives credit to HonestReporting.com.

Stepping Out of the Ring

A Jewish reporter who lives in Ramallah states her case in The New York Times. As expected, the result is not pretty.

Award to Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer's journalism is consistently accurate, incisive and enlightening. Even more important is his courage to state the truth.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Teams of supposed American peacemakers spend the summer living amongst Palestinians, and then file op-ed reports on the oppressive Israelis.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The week was full of important events in the Middle East, and in a change from the norm, HonestReporting presents a digest of various media reports. All these articles are important in their own right; we encourage you to take the time to read this communique carefully.

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