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Karl Vick

News Critiques
Pesach Benson

Time Brings Hamas In From the Cold

The mainstreaming of Hamas continues thanks to the obtuse dispatches of journos like Time‘s Karl

News Critiques
Pesach Benson

Media Cheat Sheet 12/06/2011

Everything you need to know about today’s media coverage of Israel and the Mideast. Fallout

News Critiques
Pesach Benson

Time and Israeli Taxwashing

As long as the Gaza economy remains stifled, Israel can do no right, even when

News Critiques
Pesach Benson

Media Cheat Sheet 12/01/2011

Everything you need to know about today’s media coverage of Israel and the Mideast. Iran’s

News Critiques
Pesach Benson

Media Cheat Sheet 11/01/2011

Everything you need to know about today’s media coverage of Israel. Today’s big stories were

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

Media Palispins a Poll

A poll reveals some disturbing findings questioning Palestinian attitudes to peace with Israel. But how did the media spin the results?

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

Syria Pays Cash For Riot, Media Takes Propaganda For Free

Once again, a flood of headlines present Israel as an aggressor responsible for the deaths of dozens of unarmed civilians. Was this really a peaceful protest or another Syrian-engineered attempt to breach Israel’s border? Where did the media get it right and where did it go wrong?

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