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Mads Gilbert

Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS)
Zahava Raymond

PalFest Of Hate Emboldens Hamas

Donal O’Kelly may try to give the impression that he cares about Palestinians, but by leaving out the facts he reveals that really he is just anti-Israel.

Simon Plosker

Mad Mads Feted in The Guardian

The Guardian promotes radical Marxist anti-Israel propagandist, Dr. Mads Gilbert’s new book.

Simon Plosker

IDF “Secret Weapons” Slur Revived

Medical professionals with a history of libeling Israel revive accusations of IDF secret or experimental weapons being used on Gaza.

News Critiques
Pesach Benson

It’s a Mad Mads World

A few days ago, the NY Times got our attention for The Return of Propagandist

News Critiques

The Gaza War in Review

A look back at some of the worst cases of anti-Israel media bias.

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