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New York Times

Simon Plosker

New York Times Deserves a Red Card

The New York Times becomes a cheerleader for the Palestinian campaign to suspend Israel from FIFA, world soccer’s governing body.

Yarden Frankl

An Inciting Angel and Missing Trees

The New York Times doesn’t believe that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas incites to violence, saying Israel only “claims” he does; and what happened to all those olive trees that CNN says were chopped down and “seized” by Israeli settlers?

Yarden Frankl

Rude Tweets and Misleading Headlines

Which is worse: The snarky anti-Israel comments by the head of a human rights organization or the misleading headlines of the New York Times? HonestReporting on Voice of Israel

Yarden Frankl

…After Attacking Officers with Knives…

With just five words, “after attacking officers with knives,” the NYT could have let those who skim headlines know what actually happened.

Yarden Frankl

Can You Capture Your Home?

When the media report on events in Jerusalem, key context is left out. Instead, one finds a short background sentence, saying that Israel “captured the city”

Yarden Frankl

Real People — Not Bus Stops

Despite the headline in the New York Times, Khaled Koutineh, a 37 year old Palestinian, is not suspected of targeting an empty, Jerusalem bus stop

Yarden Frankl

HR Radio: Irish Tweets and Slamming Settlers

HonestReporting’s Yarden Frankl joins VOI’s Josh Hasten in-studio discussing a rude Irish tweet, a NYT column slamming settlers, and a Robert Fisk diatribe.

Israel Daily News Stream
Pesach Benson

Netanyahu Leaves For Washington

Today’s Top Stories 1. An Egyptian court designated Hamas a terror organization. If I understand

Yarden Frankl

Responding to Rudoren

The New York Times Jerusalem Bureau Chief Jodi Rudoren was recently the guest of a

Yarden Frankl

HR Radio: Peach Bedrooms and Battlefield Lies

HonestReporting’s Yarden Frankl is back in-studio with VOI’s Josh Hasten to review the good, the bad, and the truly ugly of media coverage of Israel.

Simon Plosker

New York Times Can’t Disguise its Disdain

The New York Times’ Jodi Rudoren profiles Nitsana Darshan-Leitner’s crusade for justice for terror victims but can’t disguise her disdain.

Dishonest Reporter Awards
Pesach Benson

The 2014 Dishonest Reporting Awards

Scarlett Johansson’s brave stand against Israel-bashers seems so long ago. With three teenagers kidnapped and

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