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occupied territories

Christian Science Monitor monitored by HonestReporting
Daniel Pomerantz

Why Did CSM Call an Anti-Israel Ideologue a ‘Historian?’

Ilan Pappe is no “historian.” So why did the Christian Science Monitor call him one, and give him an unchallenged megaphone to malign Israel in an interview about his book, “The Biggest Prison on Earth,” (referring, of course, to Israel)?

News Critiques

Failure to Disclose

How can a journalist “forget” his interviewee’s position at the head of an anti-Israel NGO?

News Critiques

Seale of Disapproval

The International Herald Tribune publishes Patrick Seale's one-sided diatribe against Israel.

People Magazine Pre-Invents Palestine

People magazine denies the existence of an Israeli entity prior to 1948, and the United Nations falsely refers to Beit She'an as the West Bank.

Publisher Conrad Black

The CEO of Hollinger International, publishers of The Spectator (London) and The Jerusalem Post, lashes out against "rabidly anti-Israel" journalists and governments.

Catching the Guardian Off-Guard

When the British Guardian responds in less-than-honorable fashion, the director of HonestReporting gives them a calm, rational lashing.

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