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Osama bin Laden

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

MK Shills For Anti-Semite in Guardian

The Guardian has given a platform for Israeli-Arab MK Haneen Zoabi to act as an apologist for a virulent anti-Semitic extremist.

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

Financial Times Loses Grip on Reality

Why does the Financial Times cling to the previously accepted wisdom that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the fulcrum at the heart of the Middle East’s troubles and consider Hamas a credible peace partner?

Meeting Suspicion

As a summit meeting approaches, the media misrepresent the road map and strike a suspicious pose toward Sharon.

Bubblegum Wars — With Real Bazookas

Topps issues trading cards hailing Arafat as an American patriot. Plus: With the Karine-A weapons ship, the media begins to point the finger at the PA.

Boston Globe’s Jeff Jacoby

Jacoby exposes the long Arab record of broken agreements, and international hypocrisy of criticizing Israel's stance at a time of unparalleled restraint.

Scapegoating Israel – Part 2

Some reporters are using the WTC attacks to call for Israeli territorial concessions, and for elimination of American aid to Israel.

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