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News Critiques
Simon Plosker

Israeli Government Video Irks Palestinians

Why has an Israeli video explaining the history and legal status of the West Bank upset the Palestinians? Could the real story be a threat to the distorted Palestinian narrative?

Hamas Spin Chief Gets Op-Ed Space

Granting Osama Hamdan, Hamas’s international relations dept head chief spinmeister the legitimacy of op-ed space in The

People Magazine Pre-Invents Palestine

People magazine denies the existence of an Israeli entity prior to 1948, and the United Nations falsely refers to Beit She'an as the West Bank.

Canadian Rehash

CBC shows its true colors with a series of Mideast documentaries.

Nakba: Journalistic Catastrophe

Palestinians commemorate a 1948 catastrophe. From reading the news, you'd never know it was self-inflicted.

Red Alert
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