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BBC Misses the Boat

Israel strikes back at terrorists, and BBC portrays them as innocent bystanders.

Media Six-Pack

Robert Fisk is nearly beaten to death, plus 5 more snippets from a busy week of political and military activity.

Spouting Off

Some small papers join in the slander against Israel — including an accusation of discrimination against Christians.

Eyeless in Gaza

When Harper's publishes vile anti-Israel filth, the PR community calls upon HonestReporting to respond.

Terrorist Tragedy

Terror hits the shores of America, and Palestinians celebrate. A full digest of the media coverage.

Praising the Devil’s Disciples

Some reporters sympathize with the Palestinian side — even to the extent of justifying and glorifying heinous suicide bombings.

BBC Stands Accused

19 years after Ariel Sharon is cleared by U.S. and Israeli courts, the BBC dredges up old accusations and suggests the Israeli leader should be tried for war crimes.

Celebrating Your Success

HonestReporting member are working hard, contacting editors in protest of anti-Israel bias. These efforts frequently pay off!

Harper’s Magazine and the Palestinian Question

An article in the January 2001 issue of Harper's Magazine lambastes Israel for the worst crimes, including "barbarism," "fierce prejudice," "systematic violence," and even "ethnic cleansing."

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