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Readers’ Roundup

HonestReporting members contribute bias examples from Reuters, AP, CBC and more.

Day of Terror

Searching for clues in two attacks against Israeli targets in Kenya, and a Palestinian shooting spree in Beit Shan.

Something Fishy at Fatah

Trying to sort out the maze of Palestinian military forces and Yasser Arafat's role in terror.

Bali Bombing

One media org blames Israel for everything from the DC sniper to the Bali bombings.

Trouble in St. Pete

In both Russia and Florida, the St. Petersburg Times shows its bias.

Arafat’s Non-Speech

Palestinian leaders leaves the door open for attacks against majority of Israelis.

The Bias of Texas is Upon You

A journalism professor presents so-called fundamental facts that are little more than unfounded propaganda spin.

Covering Up For Fatah

Arafat's Fatah rejects the Gaza-first deal. But most major media blatantly omit this fact.

Misrepresenting Terror

The Washington Post sympathizes with a Hamas leader, and Time magazine 'blames' Israel for decreasing the violence.

News Critiques
HonestReporting Staff

Media Fails at Hebrew University

The media tries to justify the bombing of an Israeli cafeteria as some kind of tit-for-tat.

Whimper in West Virginia

A Charleston op-ed says that the Jewish Law of Return 'was intended for one purpose alone, to outnumber the Palestinian people. Ethnic cleansing.'

Jenin Lies

As the UN pressures for an investigation, the media is filled with Palestinian contradictions and lies.

Arafat’s Last Defenders

Despite all evidence to the contrary, some media outlets still hail Arafat as the prince of peace.

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