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security fence

ICJ Ruling on the Fence

Coverage of the UN court's condemnation of the security fence omitted some key information.

Who Stole Christmas?

While the media blame Israel for a dour Christmas in Bethlehem, the real cause seems to be PA policy and Muslim intolerance.

Why the "Calm"?

The major media call this a "period of relative calm," disregarding the ongoing wave of attempted terror, thwarted by the IDF.

Child Guinea Pigs

A vague AFP report suggests IDF responsiblity for Palestinian child abuse; also, the BBC affair and its Mideast connection.

Security Fence Scrutiny

Israel's security fence receives unjustified media scrutiny, including comparisons to apartheid.

Meeting Suspicion

As a summit meeting approaches, the media misrepresent the road map and strike a suspicious pose toward Sharon.

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