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Skeptical About the PA

Media exposes on PA corruption – long called for by HonestReporting – engender a healthy skepticism among PA financiers.

Rosh Hashana Nightmare

Cloudy headlines and rationalization of terror characterize BBC and Reuters coverage of the Negohot attack.

Editors Consider the "T-Word"

Two Florida papers revisit their refusal to call Hamas and Islamic Jihad "terrorists"; from one only, a policy change.

Spurious Statements

News outlets accept a disingenious Hamas statement as fact, thereby denying Hamas' ongoing terror.

The Human Fallout

In the wake of "The Children's Attack," profiles of families victimized by terror deserve to be reprinted broadly.

Who Got Hurt?

The Christian Science Monitor determines that the most serious injury twin suicide bombings inflicted was not to actual human victims, but to Palestinian political goals.

Off the Map

As the prime ministers travel to Washington, observers are wondering: Did the road map take a detour?

A Journalist’s Critique

A veteran Italian journalist issues a searing, detailed critique of her colleagues' biased Mideast coverage.

Near the West Bank

The AP and ABC News report terrorist attacks in central Israel as occurring "near the West Bank"

Hijacked by the Hudna

The media displace the road map's terms with those of the hudna — an internal Palestinian deal.

Militant Journalism

The Washington Post refers to both terrorists and settlers as "militant," blurring two separate definitions of the term.

"V" for Victory

An inaccurate AP caption identifies a non-existent movement for peace on the Palestinian street.

Hudna With Hamas

The media translate "hudna" as "truce," misrepresenting the term's religious, historical and modern meaning.

Meeting Suspicion

As a summit meeting approaches, the media misrepresent the road map and strike a suspicious pose toward Sharon.

Diversion Tactic

As Washington targets terror and dictatorship, Syria and Jordan target Israel. Will the media buy it?

Rachel Corrie, Continued

In the wake of a fatal bulldozer incident, irresponsible photo captions and disparate editorial cartoons.

Red Alert
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