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Moral Absurdity Downunder

"60 Minutes" in Australia gets into the anti-Israel act — justifying suicide bombers and denying Israel's right to self-defense.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Teams of supposed American peacemakers spend the summer living amongst Palestinians, and then file op-ed reports on the oppressive Israelis.

Terror in Jerusalem

Mass carnage and the death of 18 Jewish civilians is still not enough for CNN to take a break from parroting the Palestinian propagandist line.

Dis-Associated Press

Earlier this month, HonestReporting presented several cases of biased reporting by the Associated Press. Unfortunately, that trend is continuing.

Arafat Unmasked

What we knew all along — that Yasser Arafat is responsible for starting and maintaining the violence — is now gaining a strong voice in the mainstream media.

National Post Of Canada

Canada's leading newspaper is not afraid to criticize the Palestinian Authority, even as the rest of the world turns a blind eye to Arafat's campaign of violence and terror.

Associated Press Mess

With distribution to 8,500 newspapers around the world, the Associated Press carries a lot of clout. Some of its Israel coverage has been shocking.

Celebrating Your Success

HonestReporting member are working hard, contacting editors in protest of anti-Israel bias. These efforts frequently pay off!

Misrepresenting the Mitchell Report

While an investigative committee makes cessation of violence the first step, Palestinians — and editors — link it to a freeze on settlements.

The Propaganda Barrage

Bad coverage of murdered Israeli children, the Pope's visit to Syria, and a boatload of weapons off the coast of Gaza.

Keeping a Straight Face?

A thorn in the side of Israel since the violence began, CNN continues to claim to be objective and unbiased. But does CNN really believe such a thing?

Rocky Mountain Lie

A reporter in Denver has earned his placed as one of the most rabidly anti-Israel journalists at work today. It's time to let him know how we feel.

Burying the Children

As Israel lays to rest the victim of Palestinian infanticide, the media tries to downplay the tragedy by comparing it to other casualties of Mideast violence.

Robot-Like Smear

HonestReporting objected to the Washington Post's down-playing of infanticide. The Post tries to shift the blame.

Toddler ‘dies’

Reporting a murder in the passive form changes the meaning entirely. Someone at The Washington Post tried to pull a fast one.

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