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Around the World

Media bias from the Norwegian, Arabic, and French media.

Bingo in Seattle

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer rehashes one-sided slur from a virulently pro-Palestinian movement.

News Critiques

Der Sturmer in the UK?

The Independent depicts Ariel Sharon as bolstering his re-election campaign by biting into the flesh of a Palestinian baby.

Readers’ Roundup

HonestReporting members contribute bias examples from Reuters, AP, CBC and more.

Time’s Photo Flop

A year-end wrap-up contains 7 Mideast photos, 6 of them anti-Israel.

Tel Aviv Fallout

A double-suicide bombing sends the PA into damage control, with plenty of media support.

Premature Palestine

Much of the world media concludes that a Palestinian state already exists.

Mideast Media Storm

The director of the Israeli Government Press Office claims that journalists coordinated their reporting with terrorist leader Marwan Barghouti.

BBC’s One-Sided Headlines

BBC runs a string of misleading headlines, presenting spurious anti-Israel accusations as if they were undisputed facts:

U.S. Aid To Israel

The Christian Science Monitor delegitimizes and sensationalizes the amount of U.S. foreign aid to Israel.

People Magazine Pre-Invents Palestine

People magazine denies the existence of an Israeli entity prior to 1948, and the United Nations falsely refers to Beit She'an as the West Bank.

Day of Terror

Searching for clues in two attacks against Israeli targets in Kenya, and a Palestinian shooting spree in Beit Shan.

UNRWA Worker Shot in Jenin

Israel has long complained that the UN allows Palestinian incitement and extremism to go unchecked in the refugee camps.

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