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The Independent

News Critiques

The Guardian’s Week in Gaza

The Guardian’s “A week in Gaza” – a series of articles, videos and photos on life in

News Critiques

Johann Hari’s Stinking Op-Ed

Israel’s 60th anniversary will undoubtedly produce many negative opinion pieces in the UK press. In

News Critiques

The Independent’s Foul Play

Criticism of a UK Foreign Office decision turns into an excuse for hateful Israel bashing.

News Critiques

Gaza ‘Under Siege’?

Is the Gaza Strip really under siege or is the reality quite different?

News Critiques

Fisk: Time for a Retraction

The Lebanese clear Israel of using radioactive weapons – the Indie fails to acknowledge.

News Critiques

Hamas’ Unreality Check

Has Hamas moderated its views or has the media jumped to conclusions?

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