Racist Soccer Fans Falsely Portrayed as a Mirror of Israel
Beitar Jerusalem’s minority of extremist fans are falsely held up by The Independent as a symbol of Israeli soccer and Zionism.
Beitar Jerusalem’s minority of extremist fans are falsely held up by The Independent as a symbol of Israeli soccer and Zionism.
A video from the presumed scene of a Gaza air strike appears to show Palestinian fauxtography in action to present Israel as a child-killer.
Some UK media outlets used the Eurovision Song Contest to give a platform for BDS activists to attack Israel in the buildup to the competition.
Any journalist worth their salt knows that their work requires describing what has happened, and
Benjamin Netanyahu has won the Israeli election. But how did the foreign media and their “expert” analysts cover events?
Anything good Israel does is just an insidious way to distract the world from the
Some UK media act as apologists for Ilhan Omar and left-wing antisemitism by reframing the story to attack Israel and its supporters.
When UK antisemitism reaches a new record high, The Independent should take responsibility for the antisemitism in its comments sections.
HonestReporting prompts The Independent to correct a claim Israel is responsible for a midnight music curfew in Ramallah.
HonestReporting prompts The Independent to correct an error that referred to Benjamin Netanyahu as Israel’s president.
The Associated Press publishes a story about settlements courtesy of the Peace Now organization without independently verifying the facts and figures.
The murdered Israeli baby from the Palestinian terror attack at Ofra is a morally equivalent afterthought for The Independent.
An Israeli police recommendation to indict Benjamin Netanyahu on bribery charges is just that – a recommendation. Not according to The Independent’s headline.
CNN did the right thing firing Marc Lamont Hill after his UN speech calling for the destruction of Israel. Some media headlines didn’t get it right.
In an interview with Israeli soccer player Tomer Hemed, The Independent accidentally states that Palestinian rockets were fired from the West Bank rather than Gaza.
With events in Israel and Gaza moving rapidly, many column inches have been dedicated to
An innocuous historical timeline reveals The Independent’s agenda-driven bias against Israel.
A Palestinian rocket fired from Gaza lands on a house in Beersheba. Were the media bothered enough to cover it and, if so, how?
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