
With your support we continue to ensure media accuracy

The Washington Post

Mideast Media Storm

The director of the Israeli Government Press Office claims that journalists coordinated their reporting with terrorist leader Marwan Barghouti.

The Nay-Sayers

As President Bush calls for Palestinian democracy, some columnists criticize the idea.

More Ambulance Obfuscation

Reporters criticize Israel for inspecting Palestinian Red Crescent ambulances, while obfuscating evidence of Palestinian impropriety.

April Fools?

Five Palestinians are shot in a Ramallah office building. How did it happen?

Misreporting Terror

Is your local media exposing how Arafat's organization funds, trains, equips and sends suicide bombers?

Teen Settler

As Jews are gunned down in the streets of Jerusalem, Associated Press labels them

Scapegoating Israel

As terror hits the United States, several reporters are quick to blame Israel.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The week was full of important events in the Middle East, and in a change from the norm, HonestReporting presents a digest of various media reports. All these articles are important in their own right; we encourage you to take the time to read this communique carefully.

Passing the Checkpoint

Palestinian doctors lie about the death of a newborn baby. When the truth comes out, did the media report the correction?

Celebrating Your Success

HonestReporting member are working hard, contacting editors in protest of anti-Israel bias. These efforts frequently pay off!

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