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Simon Plosker

A Not So Priti Headline Fail

The Guardian’s headline falsely implies that UK politician Priti Patel wanted to send British aid money to the Israeli army.

News Critiques
Pesach Benson

Terror Only Happens in the UK

Sky News is treating a pair of stone throwing incidents with real gravitas while security officials

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

Farewell Ron, You Will Be Missed

It’s not often these days that the Israeli diplomatic service produces real heroes. But Ron

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

IBA Close Up – Israel’s Image in the International Media

IBA’s Close Up discusses Israel’s image in the international media featuring PR professional and ex-Government Press Office employee Jason Pearlman alongside the AP’s Jerusalem bureau chief Joe Federman.

News Critiques
Pesach Benson

Throwing the Book At Ken Livingstone

HonestReporting once named Ken Livingstone the Lousiest Journalist Wannabe. The reason? This fawning interview with

News Critiques

Lancet Editor "Responds" to HR Critique

The medical journal fails to address HR’s legitimate concerns, instead proving them outright in a one-sided letter to The Guardian.

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