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West Bank

Rachel Corrie, Continued

In the wake of a fatal bulldozer incident, irresponsible photo captions and disparate editorial cartoons.

Bulldozer Accident

The media presents a flag-burning American as a peace hero, and ignores important IDF anti-smuggling activities.

Arafat’s Prime Minister

Arafat keeps his grip on the reigns of power, and appoints a Holocaust-denier to handle daily affairs.

AP’s Rockets and Victims

Associated Press employs Hassan Fattah and Ibrahim Barzak to report from Gaza. Israel comes out on the short end.

AP’s Snow Job

Not all bias is blatant. Here's one extra word from an Associated Press photo caption.

Reuters Ruins Rachel’s Tomb

Israel's plan to stop Palestinian violence is sensationalized by Reuters as "splitting Christ's birthplace"

The Times’ Toy Airplane

The New York Times creates a false impression in the headline and lead paragraphs, while burying the most relevant information — that exonerates Israel — far down in the text.

Around the World

Media bias from the Norwegian, Arabic, and French media.

Bingo in Seattle

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer rehashes one-sided slur from a virulently pro-Palestinian movement.

News Critiques

Der Sturmer in the UK?

The Independent depicts Ariel Sharon as bolstering his re-election campaign by biting into the flesh of a Palestinian baby.

Readers’ Roundup

HonestReporting members contribute bias examples from Reuters, AP, CBC and more.

Time’s Photo Flop

A year-end wrap-up contains 7 Mideast photos, 6 of them anti-Israel.

Tel Aviv Fallout

A double-suicide bombing sends the PA into damage control, with plenty of media support.

Red Alert
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