Journalists who share terrorist propaganda and fake news should not be employed by the Wall Street Journal

    • Contact the Head of Standards and Ethics at the Wall Street Journal.
    • Raise your voice on social media.
    • Share this Call to Action far and wide. After you take action, ask everyone you know to share this page. We must get loud. We must demand action.

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Wall Street Journal employee Abeer Ayyoub used her X account (formerly Twitter) to spread terrorist propaganda and fake news, as Hamas massacred thousands of Israelis on October 7. She also exploited the social media platform to distribute antisemitic slurs and content that whitewashes Hamas. Ayyoub dangerously mixes journalism with activism.
How can the Wall Street Journal believe she can report on Israel and Gaza objectively, without letting her views contaminate her coverage?
🗣️Demand accountability from the WSJ: Abeer Ayyoub must no longer be allowed to report on Israel for a distinguished and respectable publication like the WSJ.

Copy and paste this email.

To: [email protected] & [email protected]

Subject: Why does WSJ employ terror supporter Abeer Ayyoub? 

Dear Wall Street Journal, 

It has come to my attention that WSJ journalist Abeer Ayyoub has spread terrorist propaganda and fake news, pushed an anti-Israeli agenda, and whitewashed Hamas on her social media, including on October 7 as Israelis were being massacred. 

For example: 

  • On October 7, Ayyoub posted a violent propaganda video produced by Hamas’ armed wing that showed terrorists lynching and executing Israeli soldiers near the Gaza border. 
  • On the same day, she shared a post claiming that a top Israeli commander had been kidnapped even though it was later proven to be fake news, which she never retracted. 
  • Replied to Elon Musk’s tweet calling for peace on October 7 by telling him in Arabic to “Eat sh*t.” 
  • Made a made a disturbing reference in Arabic to “the Jewish mafia” in a reply post the following day. 
  • Shared content that indirectly made Hamas terrorists look like liberating heroes. 

Abeer Ayyoub has clearly demonstrated a bias that should have no place in a distinguished and respected newspaper like the WSJ. I am asking you to take appropriate action and remove her from reporting on Israel and Gaza for the WSJ. 

Thank you,